I drove all niiiiigggghhhht to get to you

11:47 PM / Posted by Jay /

Last night was one of the greatest nights of my life.

I saw the legendary performer Celine Dion in concert. This was my first concert and I knew with all my heart it was going to be memorable.

Me and my friend Ashley planned the whole thing. We would leave 2 and a half hours before the concert started so we would not be late to see her.

The Concert started at 8, we were supposed to leave at 5:30. Ofcourse we didn't leave exactly on time but it wasn't a deal breaker. We went to get something to eat( which was part of the allotted time that we gave ourselves). The food was relatively quick so that didn't pose a problem for us. 

I had 8 dollars in my pocket because I thought that would be more than enough to get parking because it cost me 6 dollars one night to park when I went to this club. That is where my stupidity kicked in. Ofcourse parking around a Celine Dion concert wouldn't be 6 dollars! We got to the area like 6:45. In my head I am thinking "We have more than enough time because we came early"......WRONG!!!

I have never seen so much traffic in my life! virtual gridlock.

I still thought that we had enough time. 

Once I realized that I wouldn't have enough, we had to drive to a bank and get money out of the ATM to afford any type of parking. 

We drove....More traffic....Drove a little bit more...Even More traffic.

I am panicking....Ashley is yelling. I am yelling at her because she is yelling at me. 

I hear the ticking of the clock...Time is passing.

6:45 turns to 7 and 7 turns to 7:15 and we aren't even close to finding a park.

I made wrong turns.

Drove away while people were giving me directions

Ashley yells some more.

7:30 hits and we are not moving in the traffic storm that Celine has caused.

My stomach turns as I am about to cry.

Ashley keeps yelling "We are never going to make it"

My heart breaks.....Will it go on?

Finally at 7:47 we find a place to park


didn't have time to complain.

We weren't to far from the stadium

but we ran

I never ran so fast in my life.

Time is dwindling as my sweat is dripping.

Will we ever see her?

We get there on time and as we catch our breaths it is 8:01!

No Celine


No Celine


The light dims



It was her opening act, a talented man who does impersonations of other musicians.

for 45 effin minutes he performed and in my head I am like: "all of that shit so I can wait!!!"

He gets off

more waiting

The lights dims finally!

and the goddess enters the stage.

Beautiful and Magnificent as you would think she is.

All that chaos was worth it.

Celine Dion was worth  every minute and penny that I spent.

Greatest Night EVER!!!!

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Comment by Heat Styled Natural on January 30, 2009 at 11:13 PM

Luvz it!

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